Luke McLean Luke McLean

The Power of Identity

Identity: How we see ourselves is a powerful tool for change. Do you want to lose 10kg, or do you want to be a healthy father figure that sets the example for your kids? Do you want to be better at listening in meetings, or do you want to be a spacious leader who is thoughtful and grounded? Can you see how compelling a clear identity can be?

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Luke McLean Luke McLean

Clarity & Commitment

We choose the day, or the day chooses us. Starting the day with Clarity about who you are and what's essential and setting commitments and taking action is powerful.

Today I will walk you through my Daily Clarity and Commitment Planner. Committing five minutes to intentions, gratitude, and energy is a game-changer. Below is a link to download it for FREE.

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Luke McLean Luke McLean

Choice Points

Our lives are filled with Choice Points; what we choose in those moments matters. Learn how to make more choices that move you forward to your goals.

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