Sports are an incredible way to learn and grow in life.

Sports provide experiences and lessons that make kids more confident, humble, resilient, and ready for life.

The Young Athlete Academy (YAA) is a fun, game-based training program that educates young athletes physically and mentally.

Our mission is to build better athletes, but most importantly, we use our training to help develop and grow your child as a person.

Each term includes a weekly theme for personal development and an online training program.

The YAA is for anyone playing sports that require speed, agility, power and strength.


The YAA Academy is broken into 2 groups.

FUNdamentals - 10/12 Years: Fun is still the focus; kids need to enjoy training. We introduce the foundations of movement and training to become a better athlete. Athletes will work on the ABCs of training (Agility-Balance-Coordination and start their Strength Journey)

Train-2-Perform - 13/14 Years: Athletes connect the training and performance dots. T2P begins to measure progress, track progress and identify areas of improvement. T2P is still fun and super supportive.


Our first YAA term will be 5 weeks and begin the week of Nov 4th

Each training group will consist of a maximum of 10 athletes, and locations will be confirmed closer to the starting date.

  • Mondays @ Devonport - Nov 4th - Dec 2nd (10-12 years 3:30 - 4:15 pm / 13-14 years 4:30 -5:15 pm) C3 Church & Coles Beach

  • Tuesdays @ Port Sorell - Nov 5th - Dec 3rd (10-12 years 4:15 - 5:00 pm) - Banksia Centre

$70 per term


Fun, Game-Based and Measurable:

We make our training sessions fun, engaging, and measurable by using games, exercises, drills, and friendly competitions. We also track athletes' progress throughout the program so they can see improvement and growth.

Training Sessions:

Kids aged 11-14 play many different sports and activities. They are exploring and still growing into their bodies. Our small groups allow us to teach young athletes proper movement patterns and techniques. Our programs focus on developing age-appropriate speed, agility, power, and balance that will benefit them in multiple sports.

Teaching Sessions:

Our program goes beyond the workout. Each week has a theme, training, or teaching to help grow and develop as athletes and people. These include mindset/mindfulness, teamwork, visualisation, reflection, and feedback.

At-Home Training: All YAA participants get an at-home training program to continue training and developing beyond the training sessions.

Performance Training has previously only been available for the elite young athletes in special squads and programs. The problem has been that the good kids get better coaching and more resources, and the gap gets bigger.

YAA is for kids of all athletic abilities. It's for kids who love sports and want to improve. Our mission is to help athletes achieve their full potential on and off the field.

So, who’s training your kids?

Hi, my name is Luke; I’m happily married to Cherise, and we have Cooper, Lily, Bonnie, Ziggy and Maple.

We live in Port Sorell. I’ve been a PT for 18 years, and I coached representative junior football and worked for the AFL as a Schools Development Officer. I have my “Working with vulnerable people’s card”

You’ll see me at the Surf Club, Soccer Games, Running or grabbing a coffee at the Workshop every Wednesday and Saturday morning. (seriously)

I’m passionate about helping kids and families be more active.