

The most important thing to remember about mindfulness and meditation is that it's a practice. When running workshops and coaching, I always begin with comparing mindfulness to fitness. You won't get fitter reading fitness magazines, you need to do the work. Mindfulness is similar, information and teachings give us knowledge and cultivate awareness to get started. BUT Awareness is not Action!!!

Look to build a daily practice, the biggest challenge you will face is competing priorities and all the reasons why not to practice. Please work hard to build discipline and the results and benefits will come. I'm excited to have you and hope that this can be the start of your meditation and mindful living journey.

All your week one resources are now available, including your weekly talk on the four A's of mindfulness and this week's gratitude challenge; remember to use the checklist to support you as you build your practice.

Please download the week one overview. I've given you multiple links to the 15-minute foundational meditation to make it as convenient and simple as possible.

Peace and Gratitude Luke

Listen to Mindful Foundation on Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/holistic-growth/id1491876465?i=1000538392473


Mindful Foundation Introduction


Week One Challenge: Gratitude